Saturday, November 27, 2010

Take a Moment.

Two days after Thanksgiving,
your turkey hangover lingers,
but you're already planning ahead
to the Christmas feast.
One day after Black Friday,
your ankles have swollen to cankles,
but you will venture once again into the breach.
Twenty-seven days before Christmas,
your "wish" list has become a "to do" list,
and you wonder how Santa kept it up this long.
Thirty-four days before 2011,
you are still way behind on your pages for 2010.
And 2007.
And 1997.

You may not be able to stop the clock,
but you can just stop.
Take a moment.
Although this layout
doesn't fall under my holiday "to do" list
it does, for me, reflect time well spent.
I used bits and pieces from the new Lily Bee lines,
including a few Christmas Town papers.
I love that many of the papers in that line
work with non-holiday layouts.

As you count the days until Christmas,
don't worry about losing count at times.
One of the most wonderful benefits
of being crafty and creative
is that it allows us time to pause.
What we do isn't about productivity and pace,
but rather, about creating a space for ourselves,
in which we take moments
and live within them once again,
making them last a little longer.


  1. What a touching post. I loved reading this and also love the layout. I don't get to come by too often, but I am sure glad I did today, and will try and make sure I take that moment and stop and do something creative! I'm working with the Catching Fall line this weekend,and am loving every minute of it!

  2. beautiful Jill, words and layout. Thanks for the reminder to take the time to pause.
